Jul 29Liked by Keris Fox

The best things I've spent money on:

Therapy. Sometimes it went to two sessions a week and it was expensive. But it was worth every penny for the amount that it helped me move on from trauma. I love investing in myself.

Similarly, my work qualifications that have helped me move into the career that I have.

My dog who gives me endless joy.

That trip to the Maldives for my 40th. Stayed on a private hut on the water and every day I woke up to the most incredible view. n

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Love all of this, Michelle!

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Yes to the playlist please !!! Great idea Chloe. I loved reading about your life.

My song would be “money on my mind” by Sam smith.

Thanks for sharing my post Keris!🙏😍 and resharing my interview.

P.s. I sold my investment property. I played around in the energetic field (just for fun) and manifest the sale of it without even putting it on the market !

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Amazing! Congratulations 🥂

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'I really believe that ‘luxury’ is a feeling - it doesn’t have to cost lots of (or any) money' - I absolutely adore this quote. Luxury has so many definitions, applications and meanings for different people. I just wish people didn't throw it around so much!

The best thing I have spent money on: moving to London for my job at Country Life magazine is one. It wasn't cheap to do it, it isn't cheap to live it, and many people would not be able to cope. But god, it makes me feel alive, and I know I'm on my way to feeling more whole - something I would have never achieved without moving those few years ago.

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I love this, Amie. I moved to London when I was 18 (and away again at 26). I’m here now for a week and it’s still the best.

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I moved here aged 26! Oh how lovely. Many people would say ‘you’re visiting at the right time’ (hello sunshine and Al fresco fun) but you could come any time of year and the city is alive. I love waking up here each day x

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It’s funny, I opened the window this morning and a London bus was going past and it gave me a little thrill. Even after all these years!

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The best thing I spent money on?

Moving to Finland in my early 40s. I met my soul mate so it felt like a no-brainer. It’s a long way from Australia to Finland and worth every cent/penny 💙🤍

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What a HUGE and unexpected move. What motivated you to go there in the first place? The universe was with you! X

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It’s a story that spans decades… short version: I was an exchange student at 17 in the town I now live in. I bought stamps from a guy who I thought was nice—because it was the 1900s after all 😅😂 and no internet. Fast forward 23 years and he messaged me to say “remember me? I’m visiting Australia”. He did. We stayed in touch. We fell in love. I moved to be with him 🩷 Worth every cent!

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LOVE IT!! (Also tempted to go and buy a stamp tomorrow...)

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Oh that’s amazing, Lisa!

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Ooh money songs - I like the idea of a playlist.. My favourite money song is 'Money's too tight to mention' by Simply Red. I also like 'Tax Man' by the Beatles. For a more positive take on money, I love 'Abundance' by Beautiful Chorus. I also agree that London is the best city in the world to live in - I miss it!

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The Simply Red song is always the first money song I think of 😂 I will check out Abundance - thank you. That sounds more positive!

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Me too - it’s great to sing when you’re feeling broke. Yes, the Abundance one is uplifting - I hope you like it.

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