Thanks for having me Keris! Writing this actually helped to shift my money mindset a bit as I am not nearly as bad as I tend to think I am - I also sound like a proper grown up!

I'd recommend people read Keris' Substack and this series about attitudes to money from different decades, really good stuff.

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Haha! You do! I’m glad it was helpful. Thank you x

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You really do sound like a grown up! I was impressed 😅 I'd like to be in a similar position but currently feeling like a teenager in regards to money (and I'm your age)😭 I have no debt though, so that's a bonus.

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That is an excellent bonus!

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It’s the best bonus!

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The less money I have, the more I obsess about it.

It’s on my mind a LOT.

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Yes, same.

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You sound like a proper grown up.

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ah thanks! it did me good to write that :)

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Savings and a bit of future proofing = taking risks etc 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Oh yes! Will never forget handing in my resignation letter, only for my headteacher to give it back and tell me I couldn’t afford to quit. To which I handed back the letter and said “Yes, I can. Would you like to know how much money I have…?” What a moment! 🤣 Loved this interview, it gave me some ideas because my finances are in dire need of an overhaul at the moment.

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Haha! That is amazing!

Good luck with the overhaul.

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I need it! I’m struggling to earn enough so lots to work on…

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absolutely BRILLIANT! love that you got to say that!

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