I’ve been drastically paying down my credit cards and while my credit score has gone up, so have my credit limits which is infuriating. Like, I’m trying to pay them off and you’re offering me double what I could spend before?? Dammit!!!!

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You can ask them to lower them again. With one of mine, I would lower it every time I paid off enough. So I'd pay off, say, £150 and then lower it by a hundred (to make sure the interest was covered). But then I stopped doing that because the available amount of credit positively impacts your credit score too. I got mine under 50% a year or so ago and I was so happy. Now I'm probaby up to 95% or something.

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But, yes, also they want you to spend more! They don't want you to pay them off! And of course we know this, but it is still infuriating.

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