Ha yes. I read a money email the other day where a very couple had about a million invested and were wondering if to buy a house I was like...why am I even signed up to this nonsense!?

But then I think that a lot about money advice. Our situations are all so particular to us. For instance, I can't relate to anyone who is living off their husband's income (though good luck to them! I am only a little bit jealous 🤣) so as much as there might be interesting stuff in there, I have to dismiss it because my partner is not a high earner and I have to earn my own way and pay half of everything. And then again, someone who is living alone and having to pay all the bills alone (which I did for many years) might find my situation unrelatable and very fortunate. (I am fortunate, he's ace!)

One thing we can be sure of is it seems like everyone feels like they need more money even if, objectively, that doesn't seem to be true.

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Oh no! I didn't mean for that post to ruin anyone's day!

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Excellent use of a Perfect Strangers .gif 😂

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